inside the catamaran

For us, safety has a system

The safety of people on board is a top priority at FRS, which is why we introduced our own comprehensive International Safety System (ISM) on a voluntary basis back in 1993.

This set of rules was adopted by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) in 1994 to improve safety in global maritime traffic and to systematise the implementation of safety standards on merchant ships.  The ISM has been binding since 1998.

The core element is a manual in which measures for safe ship operation are laid down. All employees of the shore organisation and the ship's crew are instructed to act in accordance with this "manual" in their daily business. It also specifies how often and to what extent the various safety exercises are carried out. These include exercises for normal ship operation to the same extent as exercises for the most varied emergency situations.

The DPA carries out regular ISM audits both on the ship and in the shore departments.  They ensure that all employees are familiar with the safety and environmental regulations and that there are no deficiencies in ship operation. In the course of the audits, employees can also regularly make suggestions for further improvements.

In the course of regular external audits, the Transport Employers' Liability Insurance Association ensures that FRS correctly implements the requirements of the ISM Code, which is now also legally binding. It certifies this by issuing a corresponding certificate.

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