Fares catamaran from Hamburg to Heligoland 2024

Here you will find all fares from and to Hamburg - regardless of whether you want to take a day trip or stay longer on Heligoland.

One day trip (outward and return trip on the same day)

One day trip (outward and return trip on one day)

All fares in Euro Jet Class Surcharge per route
Season A B C Panorama Class Premium Class
    VIP Surcharge   VIP Surcharge
Adult 111.30 99.80 89.40 + 15.60 + 24.90 + 26.80 + 24.90
Children (4-14 years) 59.50 54.10 48.90 + 7.30 + 12.20 + 12.80 + 12.20
Toddlers (up to 3 years) - - - + 7.30 + 12.20 + 12.80 + 12.20
Seniors (> 60 years) » more information - - 80.50 - - - -
Families (2 adults + 2 children) 270.60 242.90 217.40 + 33,00 - - -
Groups (10-24 people) 98.50 88.40 79.30 - - - -
Groups (> 25 people) 95.90 86.20 77.30 - - - -
School groups (> 16 people) 74.20 66.90 60.30 - - - -
Dogs » more information 27.00 27.00 27.00 - - - -

Return ticket (outward and return trip on different days)

Multiday trip (round trip on different days)

All fares in Euro Jet Class Surcharge per route
Season A B C Panorama Class Premium Class
    VIP Surcharge   VIP Surcharge
Adult 135.90 121.50 108.70 + 15.60 + 24.90 + 26.80 + 24.90
Children (4-14 years) 72.10 65.00 58.50 + 7.30 + 12.20 + 12.80 + 12.20
Toddlers (up to 3 years) - - - + 7.30 + 12.20 + 12.80 + 12.20
Families (2 adults + 2 children) 330.20 295.50 264.20 + 33.00 - - -
Groups (10-24 people) 120.00 107.50 96.20 - - - -
Groups (> 25 people) 116.70 104.60 93.70 - - - -
School groups (> 16 people) 90.00 80.90 72.60 - - - -
Dogs » more information 27.00 27.00 27.00 - - - -

One way trip

One way trip

All fares in Euro Jet Class Surcharge per route
Season A B C Panorama Class Premium Class
    VIP Surcharge   VIP Surcharge
Adult 81.80 73.00 65.10 + 15.60 + 24.90 + 26.80 + 24.90
Children (4-14 years) 42.90 38.50 34.70 + 7.30 + 12.20 + 12.80 + 12.20
Toddlers (up to 3 years) - - - + 7.30 + 12.20 + 12.80 + 12.20
Families (2 adults + 2 children) 198.50 177.40 158.30 + 33.00 - - -
Groups (10-24 people) 72.10 64.50 57.60 - - - -
Groups (> 25 people) 70.10 62.70 56.00 - - - -
School groups (> 16 people) 53.80 48.30 43.20 - - - -
Dogs » more information 13.50 13.50 13.50 - - - -
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