Special offers

More than just shipping! The FRS Helgoline offers you special offers in a wide range of areas. For example, how about a trip to an offshore wind park or discounted meals during your trip?

Der "Halunder Jet" fährt durch einen Offshore-Windpark.

Offshore wind park

Learn interesting and exciting facts about the offshore wind park Meerwind Süd|Ost on an excursion with the catamaran "Halunder Jet". Come on board and discover the wind park up close.

Offshore Windpark
Stage view during Music Cruise 2019

FRS Helgoline Music-Cruise

Here you will find some reviews of past events on Helgoland as well as information about the pending FRS Helgoline Music-Cruise with Thees Uhlmann.

FRS Helgoline Music-Cruise
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